The clubs and federations of clubs, including any clubs which will in the future become members or members of members, shall constitute an International Federation of unlimited duration.


This Federation shall be known as the:


(International Feline Federation)

It shall take the legal form of a non-profit-making association, governed by the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg’s Civil Code, in particular the legislation of 21 April 1928, and by the present Statutes.

The Seat of the Federation shall be in the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg.


The Federation shall not make any decision which might be detrimental to the national character and individuality of any member club.


The purpose of the FIFe is to unite all the clubs and Federations of clubs irrespective of their nationality or legal domicile, that take an interest in cats of wild or domestic origin, hybrid, or pedigreed.

The FIFe encourages the breeding of cats and the improvement of breeds and shall be committed to the promotion of their welfare.

In particular, the Federation shall be concerned with:

a) Standardising regulations governing shows, judges, International Champions, etc.

b) Definition of breeds and standardisation of the breed standards.

c) Recognition and harmonisation of the Pedigree Registers (LO) and initial and experimental registers (RIEX) of each country, whilst endeavouring to institute a sole register of each aforementioned type in each country. The FIFe is at liberty to check such registers without encroaching on the independence of each member.

d) The institution and regulation of an International Register of prefixes (Cattery Names).

e) The compilation of official lists of judges authorised by the Federation.

f) The issue of any required authorisation or permit for national and international shows.

This enumeration is not exhaustive, and the FIFe is entitled to engage in any activity in connection with domestic, wild or pedigreed cats.



The minimum number of members is fixed at three.

Only one member per country can be admitted, subject to the current situation and to the vested rights currently applicable to members coming from the same country.


To become a member of the FIFe the candidate must submit its application in writing to the office of the Secretary General. This application has to include exact information about the candidate, especially its regulations and restrictions, a membership list of the board of directors as well as the technical board members. In addition the application has to include the unconditional acknowledgement of the FIFe regulations and restrictions..xxxxxxx

The candidate has to prove itself through the mentorship of a FIFe member. If the application is complete, the candidature will be submitted at the next General Assembly.

In the case of acceptance by the General Assembly, the candidate has a probationary period of two years; within this time-frame it has the same rights as an ordinary member, with the exception of the right to vote.

The mentor is responsible for the payment of the FIFe fees of the candidate.

No member may act as mentor for more than one candidate for membership of the FIFe.


After the probationary period has elapsed, the candidature will be submitted by the mentor member to the next General Assembly. The Assembly then decides, taking into consideration the opinion of the Board and the mentor member, whether to accept or reject - possibly without giving reasons. The probationary period can be extended to one additional year on the proposal of the mentor member.

Resolutions pertaining to admission are valid only if approved by a majority of 3/4 of the members present.


Members of the F.I.Fe undertake not to allow their members to take part, directly or indirectly, in shows and other events organised by associations which are not affiliated to the FIFe

Special exceptions may be granted by the Executive Board of the FIFe


Members of the FIFe may only admit as members of their clubs, individuals domiciled in their country or those who are temporarily living out of the country.

However, they may accept for admission individuals who are living in a country where there is no FIFe member. FIFe members may retain, as members of their club, those individuals who have taken up a new residence abroad, provided however that there is no FIFe member in the new country of residence.


Membership of the FIFe shall terminate:

a) By resignation given by registered letter, at least six months in advance, to the office of the Secretary General of the FIFe and for the end of a financial year.

b) By expulsion for a serious offence - in particular for non-observance of the Statutes and Rules, for refusal to pay dues, etc.

The expulsion will be checked into and then proposed by the Executive Board at the next General Assembly which will decide by a majority of 3/4 of the members present.

The decision reached will take effect immediately and shall be irrevocable. However, major changes in the structure of the member so excluded may justify that body in re-applying for membership.



The administrative bodies of the FIFe are:

- The General Assembly of members

- The Executive Board

- The Commissions

- The Auditors



The General Assembly is the highest authority of the FIFe

It shall consist of the delegates of the members.

Each member is entitled to representation by one voting delegate.

A voting delegate can only represent one member.

In addition to a voting delegate, each member will be entitled to a second person in an advisory capacity.

In case of a tie the President shall have the deciding vote.


The duties of the General Assembly will be:

- To appoint the members of the Executive Board, of the Commissions and the Auditors.

- To approve or reject the annual budget and the accounts. Approval of the annual accounts shall constitute a discharge of the Treasurer.

- To decide on the candidature of new members.

- To decide on the expulsion of a member in accordance with Art. 10.

- To evaluate the management of the Executive Board and give discharge of responsibility to the Board.

Moreover, the Assembly shall have all other rights granted by the Statutes which have not been expressly granted to another administrative body.


The Assembly shall meet at least once a year.

It shall be convened by the President for an ordinary meeting or, for an extraordinary meeting, at the request of one fifth of the members of the FIFe


In order to take valid decisions at least one half of all the members of the F.I.Fe must be present at the General Assembly.


Decisions of the General Assembly are only valid and binding when confirmed by an absolute majority of those members who are present and represented; from the fourth round of voting onwards a simple majority is sufficient except in cases of admission, expulsion and modification of the Statutes where a 3/4 majority shall be required.

The members of the General Assembly shall vote by a show of hands; if requested by a member, voting shall be conducted by secret ballot.


The General Assembly is presided over by the President of the FIFe who is entitled to delegate his powers to a chairman for the meeting concerned. The Minutes of the Meeting are kept by the Secretary General or by a substitute who shall submit such Minutes for verification to three persons who have attended the Assembly. The Minutes are then signed by the Chairman.


The members of the FIFe are convened by registered letter sent ninety (90) days before the date set for the General Assembly. They are invited to send their proposals to the General Secretary sixty (60) days before the General Assembly. They shall also receive the Agenda in which the proposals of members are set out, thirty-five (35) days before the date set for the Meeting.


No decision can be taken on items not listed on the Agenda unless the General Assembly decides otherwise by vote, upon proposal of the Chairman. Proposals or motions must be written in French, German and English.


A member who is not able to attend the General Assembly can be represented by another member.

No member is allowed to represent more than one other member.

No member is allowed to be represented at two successive General Assemblies.


The meetings of the General Assembly are open to all members of the FIFe members. The General Assembly may, however, declare the meeting closed to such members for discussion of certain items.



The Executive Board shall be elected by the General Assembly.

Only members of clubs that are FIFe members may be elected to the Executive Board.

It shall be composed of:

- 1 President

- 1 Vice-President

- 1 Secretary General

- 1 Treasurer

- 1 Vice-Secretary

- 1 Vice-Treasurer

All six Board Members have the right to vote on the Board.

The Executive Board is responsible for the implementation of the decisions taken by the General Assembly and for handling the day-to-day affairs.

The Executive Board is responsible for administering the FIFe Articles 15 and 16 are applicable.

The Executive Board shall take all decisions relating to discipline, upon the recommendation of the Disciplinary Commission.

a) The President supervises the activities of the FIFe at all events. He ensures the observance of the Statutes and Rules; he presides at meetings of the Executive Board and the General Assembly, except when he decides to delegate his powers in accordance with Article 17.

b) The Vice-President fulfils the duties of the President in his absence.

c) The Secretary General centralises the activities of the Executive Board under the supervision of the President. He will be in charge of the Minutes of meetings, of distributing suggestions, proposals and notices of meetings. All correspondence to and from the Board must go through the Secretary General.

d) The Treasurer shall be in charge of preparing accounts, collecting all fees and dues, effecting payments, keeping the books and compiling the annual financial report.

e) The Vice-Secretary and Vice-Treasurer shall assist the General Secretary and the Treasurer in all aspects of their work.


The FIFe shall be bound by the joint signature of two members of the Executive Board, of which at least one must be that of the President or the Vice-President.


The members of the Executive Board are elected for a period of three years. One third of the members of the Executive Board shall stand for re-election annually.

Outgoing Board members shall be re-eligible for election.

Should a member be unable to fulfil his duties, the Executive Board may co-opt a substitute, whose appointment must be ratified by the next General Assembly. The term of office of a co-opted member shall terminate on the expiry date of the term of office of the replaced member.


The Executive Board shall notify members of all elections and eventual vacancies. Nominations of candidates must reach the Executive Board no later than sixty (60) days prior to the date of the Annual Assembly. The names of all candidates will be listed on the Agenda. No other candidates shall be eligible for election.


In principle, all offices shall be honorary. However, the members of the Executive Board are to be reimbursed for their travelling expenses, accommodation and actual expenses.

The Secretary General shall receive a monthly allowance, the allocation and amount of which shall be determined by the General Assembly upon the recommendation of the Executive Board.

A special amount should be set aside for the purpose of reimbursing the expenses of the Commissions and other elected officials, the amount of which will be decided annually by the General Assembly.

The Chairman of each Commission and other individual functionaries must present their budget to the

Board in advance and they must be responsible for the amount they receive and will account for it annually.



The Commissions shall consist of individuals selected for their abilities and appointed by the General Assembly for a period of three years.

Such individuals must be members of a FIFe member. The members of the different Commissions shall elect one person to be responsible for that Commission.

Articles 15 and 16 are applicable.

Such Commissions must meet prior to each General Assembly and must submit a written report, containing the results of their work, to the General Assembly.


1. The Judges and LO Commission will be responsible for:

- studying the admission of new breeds and the establishment of the standards applicable to such new breeds;

- modifying the standards of recognised breeds;

- attempting to standardise the regulations pertaining to records of origin, in conformity with existing standards;

- A training programme for student judges and the further education of existing judges.

- The Commission shall consist of nine (9) members:

- three (3) international judges - longhair

- three (3) international judges - shorthair or all round judges

- three 93) members who have kept a pedigree register (LO) for a long period in their respective countries.

2. The Show Commission will be responsible for:

- The concept of shows and the modifications necessary to ensure efficient organisation of such shows.

- The application of show rules.

- The Commission shall consist of five (5) members, who must be show organisers, if possible from five (5) different countries.

3. The Disciplinary Commission:

- shall consist of five (5) members none of whom may be a member of the Executive Board

- shall give in each case its recommendations to the Executive Board.

4. The Commission for Health & Welfare

- shall be responsible for representing the FIFe on all matters concerning the health & welfare of cats

- shall be concerned with gathering information concerning health & welfare of cats and distributing such information as requested by members

- shall be responsible for liaising with the Judges & LO Commission and the Show Commission on matters which relate to the health and welfare of cats

- shall consist of three (3) members who must be able and willing to make contact with research institutes, national and local official bodies as well as breeders for the purposes of obtaining information and then working with the information obtained.


The aforementioned Commissions (Judges and LO, Show, Disciplinary, Health & Welfare) shall be free to express their opinions. They must submit their findings to the Executive Board which will present such findings to the next General Assembly.

Correspondence addressed to the different Commissions must be in one of the three official languages and must be forwarded by the member with a covering letter to the Secretary General who will advise the appropriate Commission. Proposals sent direct from members of members are unacceptable.



Two auditors and two assistants, appointed by the General Assembly for a period of two years, shall audit the accounts and the Balance Sheet of the FIFe and subsequently prepare a report on their findings for the General Assembly. They may not be members of any other official body of the FIFe.

The auditors have the right to inspect the books and other documents kept by the Treasurer at any time.



The Executive Board can, upon recommendation of the Disciplinary Commission, apply the following disciplinary measures:

- call to order

- reprimand

- fine

- temporarily expel from all or from certain events

Only the General Assembly has the power to permanently expel a member (as per Art. 10b).


Upon the recommendation of the Disciplinary Commission, the Executive Board is empowered to impose a disciplinary measure against any member of the FIFeor against any individual chosen by the FIFe to carry out certain duties, and against any judge.

The member or individual concerned shall be entitled to a hearing.

Any member or individual who is the object of a disciplinary measure may appeal to the General

Assembly. This Appeal must be addressed to the Executive Board within thirty (30) days following receipt of the Decision; such Decision must indicate the appeal procedure and deadline.

The implementation of a Decision against which an Appeal has been filed, shall be deferred.


Decisions, containing their motivation, shall be notified to the person concerned by registered letter. Disciplinary decisions may be communicated to FIFe members.



The financial resources of the FIFe shall consist of:

- annual fee paid by the clubs and Federations of clubs

- a fee levied for registration of cattery names

- a fee levied for judges' examinations

- a fee levied for national and international shows

- reimbursement of the IC rosettes, the IP rosettes, the GIC and GIP awards etc.

- grants, donations and any other resources from which the FIFe may benefit.

Every year the General Assembly shall determine the amount, in Swiss Francs, payable as fees and dues.


Every member shall provide the treasurer with the information necessary to determine the amount payable in fees and dues.

All requests for payment sent by the FIFe before the 31st of March of each year shall be paid on or before 3oth April of the same year. A member who has not complied with this requirement shall forfeit his right to vote.

The Executive Board may, upon request, grant exceptions to members who have justifiable difficulties in meeting their financial obligations.


The debts of the FIFe are collectable only to the extent of existing net assets.



The financial year shall commence on January the 1st of each year and end on the following 31st of December.


The balance sheet and Profit and Loss statement shall be submitted to the General Assembly. For this purpose, the Treasurer shall put at the disposal of the FIFe members a copy of the financial statement covering the past financial year, thirty-five (35) days prior to the date set for the General Assembly.



Any proposal for modification of the Statutes must be sent to the Executive Board at the latest, ten days after receipt of the notice for the General Assembly.

The Executive Board shall submit to the General Assembly the proposed modification together with its opinion. Any modification to the Statutes must be approved by a majority of 3/4 of the votes cast.



The General Assembly shall be empowered to decide the dissolution of the FIFe If, at such a General Assembly, the necessary quorum is not present, the chairman shall convene a second General Assembly.

The dissolution of the FIFe will then be pronounced if a simple majority so decides and without the necessity of a quorum.



The General Assembly is allowed to provide General Rules, which may not, under any circumstances, contradict or depart from the present Statutes.


All decisions of the FIFe shall be binding upon all member clubs and members of such clubs.


The Statutes and Rules of the member clubs of the FIFe must contain a clause whereby its members are bound by the decisions of the FIFe


Members who have left the FIFe or who have been expelled from the FIFe shall have no right to any assets of the Federation.


The languages of the FIFe shall be French, German and English.


One copy of the Statutes of the FIFe in the three languages shall be kept at the seat of the Federation.